Agile Maturity

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Agile IQ®: 93-130/200

Stage Three Industry Benchmark

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Your overall Agile IQ® score puts your agility at Stage Three.  Stage Three suggests that you are starting to see tangible results from your investment in your business transformation. A capability that is flexible, adaptive and responsive to environmental change enables you to make informed decisions regarding where to focus.

Average time to pivot to change

Up to 30 days

Forecast cost reduction


Average time to release value

Up to 2 weeks

Forecast psychological safety


It typically takes a company 1-2 years to reach Stage Three. Unfortunately, many companies slide backwards to Stage One or Two after 2-3 years thinking “the job is done”. Unless capability development and continuous improvement is sustained and invested in, many business transformations will either fail to become resilient to change or will slowly regress.

What is Stage Three?

Stage Three organisations start showing higher levels of adaptability, productivity, transparency and quality. They typically advance to even higher levels of effectiveness when they learning advanced patterns and practices such as composable architecture, DevOps, and Kanban to optimise for flow, and Lean to reduce waste.

Predictability of quality and delivery will improve when the company shifts focus to creating a sustainable pace. Sustainable pace:

  • Improves predictability.
  • Reduces team burn-out and fatigue.

Encourage teams to find their rhythm and establish a state of flow supported by metrics. 

What to avoid

86% of business transformations fail. Don't make decisions based on "gut instinct". Base growth on data that compares you to other companies and their successful actions for improvement. Agile IQ® provides you with this data.

Feature factory
Turning teams into a factory for delivery of requirements. The whole system needs to be inspecting, adapting, and improving.
Agile as a Methodology
As soon as practices are standardised they cease to improve. Don't turn agile into just a "project management methodology".
Set and forget
Assume "we're agile" and the job is done. Consider who is accountable for ensuring that agile is an effective operating model for product management and how to report on it.

Archetypal behaviours

Your Agile IQ® score shows that your organisation is starting to show real benefits from composable business structures reflected in the way managers, teams, and the company focuses on product management and distributed, emergent, continuous calculation of risk as the basis of their governance.

Project Management and approval-based governance
move to
Product Management with distributed, emergent, empirical and evidence-based ecision-making.
Stakeholder requirements and low-risk culture
move to
"Customer first" mindset that accepts change and values rapid responsiveness to new environment needs.
Measuring efficiency and milestone based deliverables
move to
Measuring value, impact and outcomes

Key to growth

Your Agile IQ® score suggests that while benefits from agile are being received, growth is reliant on ensuring that when delivery pressures are strong that people don't revert back to old behaviours.

Explore additional practices
actions for growth
Add DevOps, Design Thinking, Kanban, and XP on top of Scrum
Evolve to Product Management
actions for growth
Avoid reinforcing traditional project management behaviours and practices.
Alignment and Cadence
actions for growth
For scaled agile initiatives and agile release trains, ensure all teams are Sprinting and aligned so that the whole company can also "Sprint".

Agile IQ® gives you real comparison data for composability fitness

  • One assessment
  • Instant comparisons to other companies of a similar age
  • AI insights to inform business transformations decisions and capability improvement
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Cost savings modelling

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Time to pivot faster

See how you rate against other companies.

Throughput trends

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