Metrics to prove your agile coaching works

AI insights for Agile Coaches and Consultants

Agile IQ®’s data and AI insights will prove to your clients that their investment in agile and your consulting is paying off from cost savings metrics to team effectiveness.


AI assessments

AI interprets your behaviours in one assessment


Track trends

See progress over time for all your teams



See how your organisation compares to others


Compare teams

Compare core behaviours not velocity

Power BI

Get custom dashboards through Power BI or Excel


Cost metrics

See your client's costs reduce as team agility improves

Forget team surveys, assess team agility with AI

With a single assessment, Agile IQ’s AI can assess the strength of key agile behaviours. Agile IQ’s AI  has learned about what makes teams agile directly from the core agile literature.

  • The Agile Manifesto and its 12 Principles
  • Kanban and Lean
  • The Official Scrum Guide by Schwaber and Sutherland
  • SAFe®, Scrum @ Scale, Nexus and LeSS.

One assessment. Instant comparisons.

With a single assessment, AI assesses the strengths of your client’s key agile behaviours.

Because Agile IQ® assessments focus on behaviours – not software practices – you can assess any agile team (HR, finance, marketing or product development) and get a comprehensive breakdown of strengths, which is far more beneficial for your clients’ teams than an industry average or comparison.

Build and nurture agile capability maturity

Get advice from SAFe SPC and PST peers to improve key areas of agility for any type of team – software, HR, finance or even marketing.

Each recommendation is customised to the team’s level of agility, helping your coaches strengthen the key behaviours that create business agility

Agile IQ® also keeps your Scrum Masters accountable with check-ins and reminders.

Reporting on agile capability maturity

Agile IQ®’s comprehensive reports gives you the ability to instantly see what teams are at risk so you can jump in before delivery fails. You can compare teams and report on the strengths of the key behaviours that create business agility. Export PDF reports for each team so that you can easily share their overall agile capability maturity with executives.

Mobile friendly

Screen cast your mobile and guage in a deep conversation about the state of the team’s agile capability maturity relative to teams of a similar age.

Agile IQ®’s AI has 100s of intervention actions in its library. This means you’re never tethered to a desk – you can have powerful coaching conversations with teams anywhere, anytime.

Data-driven business agility

Get started with Agile IQ® with 10 days free!

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