Who We Are

Our mission is to improve the quality of people's working lives - from executives to teams - through contemporary ways of working.

We’re one of Asia Pacific’s most effective agile consulting companies, with awards from Silicon Review and APAC CIO Outlook recognising us for our innovative and highly successful agile coaching solutions for the last four years running.

What We Value


We solve complicated business problems with simple, 21st century, digital, agile framework techniques. Beginner’s mind and minimalism are always at the forefront of our thinking and our practice. 



Agile methods are at the core of our practices. For us, agile means a disciplined use of methods, like Scrum and Lean, to achieve goals quickly, collaboratively, with minimal waste, and with high repeatability. As a result, we learn faster, deliver better, and continuously improve our practice. 



We love working side-by-side with our clients. This helps us to build a love for our customers’ needs, create empathy, and generate insights. This also means we work in multi-disciplinary teams–two or more heads and perspectives are better than one.



Sustainable pace is key to optimal flow of work. When a team hums along, when time just passes by quickly without you realising it, you’ve got flow and a high performing team. This comes from embracing sustainability, planning work so that it flows better, and most importantly, not overloading our teams.



We’re only as good as our last engagement. The focal point of simplicity, agility, collaboration, and sustainability is nothing if we don’t deliver a high-value outcome for our clients. This is what we always strive to deliver.



Focus helps us push away noise and stay on target. Focus helps us deliver your needs faster and choose when it’s the best time to pivot and adapt to change in a considered and strategic way.



Does this all look good? Then come join us!

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