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Our experts talk about what it means to solve complex client problems with 21st century frameworks and practices.

Facilitation Techniques – When to Use and Why

Facilitators can use many techniques, but this does guarantee that the outcome will be reached. Ultimately linking the facilitation pattern to the objective of the interaction, makes the event more effective and helps contribute to team success in achieving their goals.

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The Ultimate Guide to Agile Reporting

You have reports to deliver to executive. Delivery, risk, and cost is foremost on their mind. What kind of reports on your agile capability and delivery, based on objective agile project management metrics, are going to provide you with the best transparency of what’s really going on?

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What Tools Does Your Agile Development Team Use?

The market is full of agile project management metrics tools that help with on-time and on-budget delivery, but where are the tools that help coaches and consultants understand how to scale agile capability development? Do existing tools do the job well enough?

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Agile metrics and why team surveys fail

Agile project management metrics often rely on team surveys to find out how agile the organisation is. Team surveys fail for many reasons. Here’s our top tips on what to look out for and how to measure agile in a repeatable and scalable way.

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Agile IQ: What we’ve learned about agile delivery from 500+ teams

What top behaviours drive organisations to higher performance, lower costs, and reduced delivery risk? To understand agile delivery metrics, ZXM took a science-based approach to the statistical analysis of its Agile IQ® data on delivery effectiveness, cost reduction, risk and how it relates to agile capability maturity.

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Avoiding the Scrumban trap

Should you use agile for everything? Surely not! Waterfall is useful, but the question of agile or not agile doesn’t really apply to the work. It applies to the team.

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