
Respect the environment

Zen Ex Machina policies and processes actively seek to minimise environmental harm as a result of the provision of our goods and services.

Zen Ex Machina’s key values include sustainability, collaboration, value. Sustainability extends to all aspects of our operations and encompass:

  • Local focus – Using local products sourced from independently verified sustainable and eco-friendly providers where possible for office supplies and business cards through to food for catering and water.
  • Energy – Powering our offices from 100% renewable energy sources.
  • Recycling – Providing financial incentives to staff when they make IT product purchases that contain highly recyclable materials.
  • Green-house gas reduction – Human resources policies based on reduce, reuse, recycle, to promote sustainable behaviour, including financial incentives for staff to use public transport over cars to reduce the green-house gas emissions of travel.
  • Green IT – A focus on designing paperless digital products that focus on green IT solutions for our office and our clients. 

True Work Life Balance

One hundred fifty years of research in knowledge work has shown that shorter work hours actually raise productivity – and overtime destroys them (Harvard Business Review, 2014). This is why working at a sustainable pace is vital to the health of our people and to the success of our projects. Our policies to support our staff were inspired by Lisa Messenger and Zen Liew’s book Cubicle Commando, and include:
  • Extra holiday time – Resting and unwinding ensures our staff can meet the high demands of our clients and the high quality we expect of their work. Taking time off work throughout the year ensures stress levels remain low and motivation stays high. Staff who use their 20 days of holiday time within 12 months receive an additional 5 days of holiday time.
  • Bonuses and rewards – We don’t give staff monetary bonuses. This causes people to compete against each other, and in a number of cases, their performance actually decreases. We reward people through other mechanisms, specifically through autonomy, mastery and purpose, gifting them things like training courses and higher duties.
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