Improve your productivity by 200%

Want to do more with less?

Our unique mix of frameworks, consulting, and tools, help you move beyond agile's basics and into the mindset and culture that can create continuous improvement of productivity.

How does it work?

We use metrics to understand your ability to innovate, the factors that impact it, and hypothesis to drive productivity. This hypothesis forms our scope of work with you and an evidence-based roadmap to achieve business agility through enhancing your productivity. This helps us focus on outcomes that matter for you.

ZXM Business Agility Roadmap 2019-2025
Source: Zen Ex Machina's Agile Customer Journey for Business Agility

Measuring agility

We measure agility using Agile IQ® – our agile mindset mobile app.
Agile IQ® tells us where your strengths and weaknesses lie so we can focus on creating you a strong agile capability to do twice as much in half the time.

Start small and focus on the basics

Agile IQ gives us the data we need to start with a few of your teams and apply tactics customised to your needs to improve productivity.

Rather than spend months scoping a whole program, we can fasttrack your first agile teams by deploying proven support material, including ZXM’s agile checklists, role definitions, and team blueprints to kick-start the program and its teams. Combined with our Agile Essentials training course, we can help teams get started in 48 hours.

Scaling to the enterprise

Once learnings have been gathered from teams and their initial agile practices, we work with leadership to scale to the program. 

Empower executives

We train and coach them to manage the new scaled agile system of work, particularly where prioritisation of strategic initiatives and managing risk is concerned.

Mentor leaders

We create the capability necessary for you and your leaders to manage program backlogs, define and manage value streams, and launch Agile Release Trains.

Train teams

We help them to work collaboratively at scale, plan, delivery and integrate work in a low-risk way. We do this trough a unique mixture of training and on-the-job coaching.

Maintaining your agility

After 6-9 months, the temptation is to pull your foot off the accelerator. This is a high risk time when people feel they know enough agile to work in isolation. Quality is at risk at this time.

Agile IQ® helps us understand when you’re at risk so we can put you back on track and create curated, customised coaching plans — from leadership through to teams.

We don't want you to go backwards!

Sustaining our client’s business agility is vital. 

Clients’ leadership and agile practitioners receive monthly coaching and training sessions in order to keep up-to-date with the latest patterns and practices. This helps you reap the maximum benefit from your investment in agile.

Where we focus

ZXM focuses on delivery to impacts and outcomes. We engage with executive to understand the investment goals of agile, define outcome metrics, and then work with executive and program leadership to plan, execute and report.


We deploy agile metrics

Time to market, innovation rate, as well as quality/defects, are key to understanding how to maintain your agility and even grow it!

We help you develop your internal coaching capability

Our coaching program helps turn your Scrum Masters into internal agile coaches.

We support your experts

Agile is always evolving. It's easy to get left behind. Our agile consultants keep you in touch with the latest agile trends to support your continuous improvement.

How long does it take?

Using our frameworks, consultants and tools, we can embed agile ways of working at a sustainable pace within as little as 3 months. Scaling to the program in a way that is sustainable and maintains a high level of quality and throughput takes 6-9 months. 

How have we improved others productivity?

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Want to double your productivity? Talk to one of our experts now.

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